Friday, June 8, 2007

DOTA, Defence of the Ancients, Welcome

Hello fellow DOTA / Frozen Throne users.

Today, DOTA Hints kicks off to bring you all the smart ways to win at DOTA. Tips on which heros hit harder, whos the best pusher and which heros are the simplest in DOTA.

DOTA is taking the world by storm, and it can be a difficult game to understand and certainly master.

We want to bring you the hints, to allow you to play like the pros and beat the pros.

What is the best hero build strategy? Why does a certain DOTA spec work better? Stun or Crit? Lifesteal or Defence / Armour Items?

Stay tuned, and please visit again soon - as we will daily update and discuss all the importat stuff that relates to DOTA.

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